CSA Shares are OPEN!

PHF: 2024 Summer CSA

posted on

April 19, 2024


In today’s fast-paced world, it’s becoming increasingly important to prioritize our health and make conscious choices about the food we consume. That’s where Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) comes in. CSA is a model that connects consumers directly with local farmers, allowing them to support sustainable agriculture while enjoying fresh, nutrient-rich produce. This blog post introduces the 2024 CSA Produce, Meat, and Eggs program at Passel Hills Farm, a local family farm dedicated to providing chemical-free, high-quality food to the Roanoke and Smith Mountain Lake communities.

The 2024 CSA Produce, Meat, and Eggs at Passel Hills Farm

At Passel Hills Farm, we are committed to producing the highest quality food while nurturing the land and caring for our animals. Our 2024 CSA program offers an array of benefits for health-conscious individuals and supporters of local businesses.

Chemical-Free and Nutritious

Our produce is grown using “beyond organic” practices, free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. We believe that food should be pure and nourishing, providing you and your family with the highest level of nutrition and taste. By choosing our CSA program, you can have peace of mind knowing that your food is chemical-free and full of goodness.

Variety and Quality

Our CSA program offers a diverse selection of produce, meat, and eggs. From vibrant, seasonal vegetables to pastured chicken, pork, and eggs, we strive to provide a wide range of options to suit every palate and dietary preference. Our commitment to quality ensures that you receive the freshest, most flavorful food possible.

Convenience and Accessibility

We understand the importance of convenience in our busy lives. That’s why we offer multiple pick-up locations in the Roanoke and Smith Mountain Lake area. Whether you’re a resident of Roanoke, Salem, or Smith Mountain Lake, you can easily access our farm-fresh products at a location near you. We make it simple for you to nourish yourself and your family with local, sustainable goodness.

Supporting a Local Family Farm

By participating in our CSA program, you’re not only nourishing yourself but also supporting a local family farm. Your investment directly contributes to the success of our farm and enables us to continue producing high-quality food for our community. Your support has a positive impact on the local economy, promotes food security, and fosters a sustainable future for generations to come.


The 2024 CSA Produce, Meat, and Eggs program at Passel Hills Farm is more than just a way to access fresh, chemical-free food; it’s an opportunity to support a local business and nourish your health. By joining our CSA program, you become part of a community that values sustainable agriculture, health, and the well-being of future generations. Together, let’s embrace the benefits of local, nutritious food and cultivate a healthier, more vibrant community. Visit our website to learn more and engage with Passel Hills Farm today!


No spray produce


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