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Sow, Grow, Listen: Tyson invests in Bug Protein?

posted on

March 18, 2024

In our latest podcast episode, we dive into the world of crafting bundles for our awesome audience, focusing on providing convenient ready-made choices instead of overwhelming options. We chat about balancing customer preferences and simplifying our offerings, sharing the ups and downs of this approach. Our talk covers topics like agriculture, caring for the land, and building community connections through shared meals. We explore the joys and challenges of farm life with a bustling household.

We discuss daily routines, time management, and adjusting to seasonal changes like daylight saving time, sharing funny stories and thoughtful insights on farming practices and societal norms. From handling livestock to interacting with the community, we shed light on the day-to-day operations of our farm, highlighting the importance of networking, learning, and adapting to change. Through personal anecdotes and practical advice, we welcome you to join us on our journey of growth and discovery in the realm of agricultural entrepreneurship.

Our conversation touches on poultry processing, staff recruitment, and growing our business, as we tackle challenges and embrace opportunities in building a thriving and sustainable farm enterprise. With humor, honesty, and practical tips, we recount tales of successes, setbacks, and ongoing progress in the diverse world of farming and entrepreneurship. Come along for an informative and enjoyable ride through the ever-changing landscape of agriculture and community engagement.

We discuss regulations for pickle sales, investments in insect-based food products, electronic tracking for cattle, starting a micro-bakery, tending to a spring garden, and incorporating fitness activities on the farm. Fun stories about affordable labor and the competitive side of the agricultural industry add a light-hearted vibe to our chat, along with experiences in processing pigs and creating homemade sausage flavors. This lively exchange gives listeners an engaging glimpse into rural life, small-scale farming methods, culinary experiments, and current happenings.

In a detailed chat, we share insights into our lives and farm operations, from enjoying self-employment to processing meat for pet food amidst regulatory hurdles. We discuss moving our website to a new hosting platform, upcoming farm tours for CSA members, promotions to boost CSA sign-ups, expanding the farm store, and enhancing our offerings. Our conversation also covers farm equipment, storage challenges, and future plans for greenhouse expansions, leading to talks about kids playing outdoors and the future direction of our podcast segments. Thanks for joining us on this enlightening journey through the Passel Hills Farm Podcast.

Listen on Spotify, Apple, iHeart, or Amazon. 


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Guide: Why Shopping with a Local Farm is Better than Big Box Stores

Guide: Why Shopping with a Local Farm is Better than Big Box Stores In the midst of the noisy world of consumerism, it’s usually the big brand names that make the most noise. But there’s something calming and comforting about the gentle rustling fields and humble stalls of your local farm. This guide is for those who want more than just buying food. It’s about recognizing that supporting local businesses not only benefits you, but also your community and the planet. Let’s dive in! Shopping at a local farm is akin to breaking bread with a friend rather than eating on the go. Local farms offer connection, community, and an unparalleled farm-to-table experience. By the end of this guide, you’ll understand why this direct sourcing can be more rewarding and impactful than the convenience of a big box store. Step 1: Research Local Farms Discovering What’s Nearby Embarking on the journey of local farm shopping starts with pinpointing the farms in your vicinity. This can be done through simple online searches, as many farms have websites or social media pages that share their story and offerings. Community groups and agricultural extensions are also treasure troves of information about the local farming scene. Digging Deeper: The Personal Touch Try to learn as much as you can about the ethos and practices of the farms. Look for what aligns with your own values, whether that’s organic farming, fair-trade policies, or care for the environment. This step isn’t just for logistics but for paving the way for a relationship with the food grower. Step 2: Understand the Benefits Harvesting the Advantages Local produce is often harvested hours before it hits your plate, ensuring unparalleled freshness. Farm shopping means more nutrient-dense food that hasn’t been subject to the weeks of travel common for supermarket fruits and veggies. Sowing into the Community Every dollar spent at a local farm stays close to home, feeding back into the economy. You’ll be supporting the livelihoods of local farmers, who you might even bump into at the Saturday market. Step 3: Plan Your Visit Mastering the Logistics Before heading out, make sure you’re aware of the farm’s opening hours and days. While some may have a regular market day, others will require a visit by appointment only. It’s all part of the more intentional shopping experience local farms provide. The Bounty of Planning Ahead Having a shopping list isn’t just a good way to be organized; it’s also an avenue for intelligent consumption. By planning your purchases, you help minimize food waste and can better steer your cooking towards seasonal options. Step 4: Shop Responsibly Engage with the Custodians of the Land At the farm, don’t be shy to ask about the produce, the growing process, or even for some cooking tips. This not only educates you but shows the farmer that their work is valued. It’s a different sort of transaction—one rooted in mutual understanding and respect. The Fruits of the Season Always go for the seasonal fruits and vegetables. They’re not only likely to be tastier and healthier, but also support the natural rhythm of agriculture, reducing the need for extensive processing and transportation. Step 5: Enjoy the Experience Come for the Food, Stay for the Friendships Shopping at a local farm is more than just a transaction; it’s an experience. You’re surrounded by the knowledge that there’s history and hard work behind the food. Take the time to appreciate it and the community you’re a part of. Cultivating Bonds One of the most beautiful aspects of shopping at a local farm is the potential for relationship building. You might chat with the farmer, share stories, or even help out during harvest time. These bonds are the spirit of local commerce, and they make every meal a moment worth cherishing. Conclusion Shopping at local farms is a small yet powerful way to champion sustainability and community. When you choose to buy local, you’re not just taking home a bunch of carrots or a basket of apples; you’re investing in a future that’s deeply rooted in the health of the land and the people who tend it. So, next time you reach for that grocery list, consider the wholesome journey local farm shopping can offer.