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The Slower the Growth, The Sweater the Meat

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April 23, 2024

The Slow Food Revolution if Quality is Your Priority

When was the last time you sat down for a meal and savored each bite as a little piece of joy? For the owners at Passel Hills Farm, this happens every day. Our farm embodies a painstaking concept in our rush-obsessed world, and that's the Slow Food movement. We're here to show that haste doesn't need to govern every part of life, especially when it comes to something as fundamental as food.

Defining 'Local' – the PHF Way

Local is a word bandied around menus and grocery stores, as if proximity alone promises quality. Passel Hills Farm redefines 'local' by crafting a narrative that is more than just about distance—it's a story of community, sustainability, and, above all, taste. Our products travel mere miles from lush pastures and clean barns to your kitchen, ensuring a freshness that supermarket fare, no matter how close, simply can't match.

Our Animals, Our Commitment

At the heart of our operation are our animals—our heritage pigs, and Freedom Ranger Hens. The care and consideration that go into raising them are unparalleled. We've chosen to work with breeds that take a little longer to mature, which, we believe, yields meat that sings with flavor and texture, yet, more importantly, is more nutritious. It's a quality you can feel good about, one that's worth the wait.

From Farm to Table – The Heart of The Local Movement

The farm-to-table movement has come to symbolize a return to simplicity and small-batch ethos, yet too often, the 'farm' is a tagline and the 'table' just another destination. At Passel Hills Farm, farm-to-table is a commitment that spans the entire life cycle of our produce. It's a dedication that ensures every step, from the soil to the slice, is touched by our hearts and your community's hands.

Meticulous is our Middle Name

Our processes are meticulous and intentional, a direct result of our belief in ethical animal husbandry and sustainable farming practices. We rotate pastures to maintain the health of our animals and the land on which they graze. Our growing methods prioritize the richness of the soil, the purity of the water, and the health of the ecosystem. It's a labor of love that culminates in food that is not just a meal but a celebration.

The Local Context – Nourishing More Than Taste Buds

The impact of sourcing local, high-quality food goes far beyond the culinary. It is a catalyst for community health, an outstretched hand to economic sustainability. The investments in Passel Hills Farm are investments in the well-being of our local economy, the livelihoods of our neighbors, and the future of our food ethos. When you support us, you're not just getting a meal; you're backing a movement.

Creating a Community of Quality

The ripple effects of the Passel Hills Farm philosophy are evident in our community. We've seen a surge in health awareness, in the vibrancy of local markets and eateries, and in the entrepreneurial spirit of those who share our vision. It's a testament that quality can be a unifying force, a call to arms for a better, more connected world.

A Model of Tomorrow – Prioritizing Quality for Sustainability

As we look to the future, Passel Hills Farm stands as a model not just for producers, but also for discerning consumers who believe, like us, that the best things in life shouldn't be rushed. Our vision is a world where the pursuit of quality not only dictates how we eat but also how we live. It's a bold claim, but one we stand by, one bite at a time.

Our commitment to slow-growth, to fair practices, to the land, and to our community is unwavering. Passel Hills Farm represents the Slow Food movement —a beacon for all those who seek more than fast consumption. We're here to say that good food reminds us that patience is a virtue, and the rewards are worth the wait.

Join us in forging a new definition of 'local'. Visit Passel Hills Farm, and experience for yourself the difference that quality, time, and care make. You won't just be buying meat; you'll be investing in a lifestyle, a philosophy that nourishes the body and the soul. In a world that values instant gratification, we offer something better—a reminder that sometimes, the best things are worth waiting for.

slow food

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Sow, Grow, Listen: What are Microgreens? Guest: Clover’s Microgreens

Welcome to the latest episode of Sow, Grow, Listen: A Passel Hills Farm Podcast. In this enlightening encounter, our host Jeremiah is accompanied by Kyle from Clover’s Microgreens. They delve into the fascinating world of farming microgreen – a realm where seedlings are nurtured into full grown nutritious greens. Kyle shares his unique insights on the cultivation and benefits of microgreens, a trending superfood packed with dense nutrients. Tune in to understand how these small yet powerful greens make a big impact on sustainable farming. Furthermore, they discuss the ins and outs of marketing CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) shares, providing listeners with valuable tips to succeed in this venture. Don’t miss this captivating conversation that’s bound to sow seeds of knowledge and inspire you to grow. Clover’s Microgreens website